Aidan, Bun in oven

Aidan: A birth story, part 4

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Sunday, March 4 (continued)
At about 1am, poor Dr Y rushed into the room, looking all frazzled and harried. After performing a VE (sigh) on me, he grimly informed me that my cervix had not dilated any further. He told me that the baby could be in distress and that he was putting me on a low dose of Pitocin to kick start the labour process. Hopefully, that would do the trick and my body would take over from there. At the same time, I had to be hooked onto the blood pressure machine. He assured me that he would be staying the night to monitor me and then left me to labour.

Time passed by very slowly. I was still lying on my right in that strange angle, an IV drip on my left hand, the fetal monitoring paddle on my belly, an oxygen mask on my face and a blood pressure cuff on my right arm. I couldn’t move an inch, for fear that it might affect my little guy. The surges were fast gaining intensity and speed, thanks to the Pitocin, and were moving from three to four minutes apart to one to two minutes apart.

It was possibly the worst night of my life.
And it got worst.

Twice, the baby’s heart beat fell and twice the warning beep filled the air. By then, all Mr Thick and I could do was stare at each other in growing despair. This was not how we had envisioned the labour and delivery. Where was our calm, serene labour? And is our son alright? By then, it was 3 am and we were both exhausted.

My frustration grew and then disappeared over the night, to be replaced by resignation. Initially, I couldn’t understand why the labour was not progressing despite our best efforts. It made me wonder if the little man was not ready to be out. And yet if he wasn’t, why did the amniotic bag rupture? Why? Why? Why?

These questions kept haunting me as I laid on the bed but the repeated warning beeps from the fetal monitor eroded my anger. All I wanted was to have my son out, safe and sound. I couldn’t care how. Mentally, I was prepared for an emergency Caesarean and even asked Dr Y to have an epidural administered at the same time as the Pitocin. But he told me to give my body some time and see if the Pitocin alone would do the trick.

Obviously it didn’t.

When the baby’s heart rate fell for the fifth time, Dr Y came in and told me that it was obvious my little guy wasn’t doing very well inside and he needed to have him out fast and he needed to have him out NOW. We had no other options but to have a C-sect.

Things kicked into top gear after that decision was made.

4 thoughts on “Aidan: A birth story, part 4”

  1. Your life stories have always been a joy to explore. The first picture of Aidan seriously made me go ‘Awwwww’. I’m genuinely happy for you and your family! Have always enjoyed reading your posts, but never thought there’s a need to leave a comment. Learn to let go, take it easy and familiarize yourself with the new addition of a member to your life.

    You’re not equipped with supernatural power, not clad in a cat suit. You are only human. Ask for help if need be, go easy on yourself. Certain things are definitely not within your control, learn to embrace.



  2. Hi,

    Hope you are coping well with your little one.
    I had mine 1 week before yours :), mine was a super fast labour, less than 4 hours of contractions and he was out, it happened too fast and too late for any form of pain relief.
    I had slight post-natal blues after came back from hospital, do chat with your friends and relatives 🙂 and enjoy motherhood!

    Aidan is very cute, pls do take care!


  3. That’s why i think Mummies are the greatest beings ever…….With all the anxiety & pain going on!

    To sidetrack abit, do you remember i’m the infertile blog passerby here who has been dropping a few msgs from time to time? Guess what? Heaven does have its plans for everyone! Just when i’ve an upcoming surgery (to remove my multiple polyps & clear my blocked tube) scheduled next month, i suddenly found myself miracleously pregnant this month! Totally unexpected as we were not really trying.
    Now of coz, i still have many hurdles to clear sigh. With the multiple polyps & blocked tube still hanging around, can only wish that the pregnancy can proceed very smoothly without ectopic or other complications. Will only know weeks after, when ultrascan can be done. Now then i know that even if a woman is pregnant, her worries can never end. So hang in there too! 😛


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