Aidan, Motherhood


In the week leading up to my darling boy’s birthday, my oven died. It literally died. I couldn’t get it started without tripping our electricity.

I almost cried.

I had been so set on baking a birthday cake for the little man. And the oven had the audacity to DIE. I couldn’t get the repairman in early enough and it seemed like I wouldn’t be able to bake that cake after all.

A birthday cake.

Wow. My little was turning one. And I was gonna bake him a birthday cake.


Aidan has never been one to kiss us freely. We’d ask and sometimes he would deign to stay still enough for us to plant a smacker on his lips. But most of the time, he would turn his head away.

One evening, before his bedtime, we were in his room playing with him, as we did every night. Suddenly, he crawled over to me and threw himself over my lap, which was his way of saying CARRY ME.

So I did. I plucked him from my lap and held him up and gave him a hug. And suddenly, he leaned over and gave me a huge kiss on my lips! I laughed and told him I loved him, and he replied, “Ugh ugh ugh ugh.” Which was his way of saying I LOVE YOU TOO. I think.

And then he did it again. Leaned right into me and kissed me. Again.

He never repeated that feat again, not on us anyway (he enjoys kissing his books when we ask him to). But that moment? Pure magic.


We celebrated his birthday the weekend before the actual day. He had three parties: one with our dear friends, one with my in-laws and then one with my side of the family. Oh, he is so loved.

During that last party, my family members crowded around our dining table as he sat in front of his cake. They sang him a birthday song with much zest and gusto, clapping as they sang. He laughed and clapped in return, and made everyone so thrilled that they sang him the birthday song three times.


We didn’t buy him a birthday present.

But I think that our love, devotion and undivided attention is present enough for our first-born.

(I did make him that cake after all. Prepared the batter and had his wonderful, wonderful Aunty Dotz pick it up and bake it for us. Made the frosting, brought it to the party venue and frosted it right before we sang the song.)


My baby boy is one. One week in and I am still trying to get my head around it. He’s been such a beam of sunshine in my life and for that I am grateful.

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