The organised chaos

The 7 links project

I started blogging in August 2003 and throughout the past eight years (EIGHT!! Holy cow), I have often gone back through my archives to read what I write. Not because I am narcissistic and like to admire my own writing, but to chuckle in amusement over how much I have evolved over the years.

When miss end tagged me to list down the seven most memorable posts that I have ever written, I was stumped. How do I sift through eight years worth of thoughts and memories? It’s no mean feat but I will try.

So here goes.

1. My most beautiful post: Happy anniversary, Dad
I lost my father when I was six. Growing up, I never felt the same, never felt belonged. Everyone had perfect families but me and I felt inadequate. It took me a long time before I understood that losing a father did not make my family imperfect, it did not make me a lesser human being. Instead, it made me a stronger person. When I was 24, I wrote a letter to my father and I hope that somewhere, somehow, he understood everything that I had said.

2. My most popular post: Let’s ignore the infertiles
In Singapore, infertility is something that nobody talks about, which is a big shame. There is nothing shameful or embarrassing about requiring assisted reproductive techniques to conceive and yet society acts as if something is wrong with you if you cannot conceive naturally. This post was the first time we outed ourselves and to my amazement, I received a lot of positive and encouragement comments both from people we know and strangers. Till this day, I am still thankful for everyone’s encouragement as we plod on along this endless road.

3. My most controversial post: Being there
This was a bit tough, I really couldn’t think of anything that I had written which could possibly have polarized opinions. This one counts, in part, because I was feeling unhappy about friends who tiptoed around our infertility. Some feathers were probably ruffled after this was posted.

4. My most helpful post: Lombok Lull, the place
This one didn’t draw any comments but I know of people who read about Lombok and Qunci Pool Villas on my blog and gone for holidays there. Surely that is helpful!

5. My most surprisingly successful post: Goodbye to Miss Heng and the mee pok man
I ♥ my alma mater and I have written about it on numerous occasions. And it’s amazing how many people google “SCGS” and come to this site. This one that I wrote in 2006 about the death of our favorite mee pok uncle and the retirement of our beloved principal drew unexpected and heartfelt comments.

6. My most underrated post: Step by step guide to spawning
Guys. I am TEACHING you how to produce an heir for the family. What are you waiting for? Go like the page!

7. Post I am most proud of: Nobody likes lemonade
This one was a toughie too because generally, I am pretty proud of what I write. I mean, I try not to put crap out there, I do have pride in my words. But I guess this one takes home the prize because I put myself out there. I’m not always bouncy and perky about this infertility shit and I wrote it as it is. Yes, I get angsty and angry and bitter – and I am not going to sugarcoat it just because I want people to like me.

Ooh, I just realized that most of my memorable posts center around this infertility shit. Damn. I swear I wasn’t shallow before this. No, REALLY.

I’m meant to tag someone so here goes (assuming they are reading this):
Jimmy Liew – AKA Mr Thick, husband and occasional arsehole. Mostly sugar and spice and everything nice now though. YOU DA BOMB, HONEY!