Photography, Travel

Kyoto 2009: Yasaka Shrine

On our way down from Kiyomizu-dera to the Gion region to do some industrious geisha stalking, we passed by Yasaka shrine. By then, the skies had darkened significantly, even though it was barely 6pm.

But the lights of the lanterns in the shrine drew us in like moths to a flame. Not the best analogy, I reckon, but erm you get the point.

Entrance to Yasaka shrine
Lanterns at Yasaka shrine

I was immensely grateful that I had bought my Tammy lens before the trip because the f/2.8 really kicked some night ass! The kit lens would have been absolutely shite at taking night shots.

More lanterns

Geisha stalking so wasn’t happening for me because my battery – my hardworking, EFFICIENT battery – decided to take a hike and go on holiday. Yes, it died. And I was MISERABLE because we were in the middle of stalking geishas! And we still had a couple more days to go! In the end, we headed back to Osaka and into one of the big electronic shops (Yodabashi, I think), and bought me a charger. I was MAJORLY bummed. But husband was pretty sweet about it, he didn’t make fun of me or call me a loser.

But I did point out some geishas to him though so that’s cool. He did the whole paparazzi thing and chased after them with a crowd of similar kaypohs. I just stood by the road and gawked. But man, these geishas can move pretty quick in those slippers.

For other Kyoto must-visit places, check out here.
For more Kyoto-Osaka pictures, click here.